Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP)
The North Country Health Alliance (NCHA) contracts with the HRDC to lead the school strategy for the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) in our region. HRDC staff, works with schools serving as a member of their wellness committees and assisting them in working on initiatives such as Healthy Eating, Active Living, and Well-Being. This year has been a challenge for our school partners as they’ve adapted to various forms of learning models such as on-line, hybrid, and in person. These changes are sometimes stressful for school staff and students.
One of our school partner’s administration expressed interest in partnering with SHIP this year and learning how best to support their staff’s well-being. A survey was created by SHIP staff and the school’s wellness committee. The purpose of the survey was to learn from school staff more about the challenges they face, and the factors that support their well-being during the school day. The survey and the responses (see image) will help inform school wellness committees and prioritize their school staff wellness goals. SHIP will share this survey tool with other schools interested in learning more about staff well-being.
SHIP can also provide various resources for our schools interested in receiving trainings on ACES (Adverse Childhood Events), Trauma Informed Practices, Commercial Tobacco and E-Cigarette Prevention education, Walk/Bike/Fun training etc. With these trainings and resources there are also opportunities for our partners to apply for mini grants to further enhance their wellness goals. For example, one of our schools received a mini grant from SHIP to be able to purchase a bike fleet so that their students could learn and experience bike education and biking skills. Most recently, this same school received funding from SHIP for an adaptable bike which allows all their students to be able to participate in biking education and activities.
Through the SHIP school’s strategy, we can also work on SRTS (Safe Routes to School), which aligns well with MNDOT’s work. HRDC’s unique ability to work with MNDOT, SHIP, and local public health entities, allows for a wide variety of perspectives to be heard. This results in a much higher level of alignment, increases the effectiveness of each organization, and creates healthier communities in our region.
Be sure to check our 2022 SHIP annual report at

For more information regarding SHIP activities, contact: