Loans By Counties

MN Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program (RLP)/Emergency and Accessibility Loan Program (ELP)

The Rehabilitation Loan/Emergency and Accessibility Loan Programs assist low income homeowners in financing basic home improvements that directly affect the safety, habitability, energy efficiency or accessibility of their homes. The Emergency and Accessibility Loan Program is available for home improvements addressing emergency conditions of the home or accessibility needs for a disabled household resident, subject to prior approval by Minnesota Housing.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Meet program income limit
  • Not have assets exceeding $25,000
  • Own and occupy the property to be rehabilitated
  • Be current on property taxes and mortgages
  • Have homeowner insurance in effect at time of loan closing.
Household Size Income Limits
1 Person $24,700
2 People $28,200
3 People $31,700
4 People $35,200
5 People $38,100
6 People $40,900
7 People $43,700
8 People $46,500
9 People $49,300
10 People $52,100
11 People $54,900
12 People $57,800

Program Features
Maximum loan amount is $37,500

Maximum loan term is 15 years for properties taxed as real property and 10 years for mobile/manufactured homes taxed as personal property located in a mobile home park

Loans are forgiven if you do not sell, transfer title, or cease to occupy the property during the loan term.

Various property types are eligible including, but not limited to, single family homes, duplexes, a condominium unit, and manufactured housing taxed as real or personal property

Counties We Serve


MN Housing Fix Up Program

The MN Housing Fix Up Program is a monthly payment loan option available to households with an annual income of $139,200 or less. The income limit is waived if the improvement is being made for the accessibility of a family member who is disabled or for specific energy improvements!

Program Features
Affordable, fixed interest rates with lower interest rate for energy conservation and accessibility improvements. Higher loan-to-value ratio on secured loans than traditional loan products

Don’t have equity in your home?
The Fix Up Program has an Unsecured Loan Option just for you!
Longer repayment terms means lower payments. Hire a contractor or do the work yourself. No prepayment penalty

Fill out the Owner Occupied Rehab Intake form to determine which programs you could be eligible for.