Housing Rehabilitation

In the spring of 2012, the HRDC entered into an agreement with MN Housing to administer their Rehabilitation Loan Program (RLP) and Emergency Loan Program (ELP). RLP is an ongoing program and we are continually accepting applications for both the regular RLP and the Emergency Loan Program. In addition to the Rehabilitation Loan Program, the Headwaters RDC is now an approved Fix Up Lender. The Fix Up program provides rehabilitation funds to households with a higher income than the Rehabilitation Loan Program serves. There are a variety of loan options available through the Fix-Up Fund that borrowers will have the ability to choose from. In 2014 the Headwaters RDC was also awarded Targeted Home Improvement Pilot (THIP) funds from Minnesota Housing. THIP funds are used to write down the interest rate on Fix Up loans to as low as 1%, based on household income.


For more information on housing rehabilitation services available to you, click here or contact Levi:

Levi Haar

Levi Haar

Lending and Accounting Specialist